Statutory Information
This page provides information and/or links to information which we are required to publish by law. If you require a paper version of any of this any other information on this website please do not hesitate to contact us. This service is provided free of charge.
This school is a member of the Nova Education Trust. Please see below for Trading Disclosures.
School Name | Toot Hill School | |
Postal address | The Banks, Bingham, Nottingham NG13 8BL | |
Telephone No. | 01949 875 550 | |
Enquiries contact name | Mrs T Raoof - PA to Head Teacher | |
Name of Head Teacher / Principal | Dr C Eardley | |
Name of the Chair of the Local Governing Body | Dr A Peters The address to contact the Chair of the Local Governing Body is the school address as above. | |
Name of SENDCo | Mrs R Brentley |
Admissions arrangements (Current Academic Year) | The linked document contains our admissions arrangements for 2024-2025. | |
Admissions arrangements (Next Academic Year) | The linked document contains our admissions arrangements for 2025-2026. | |
Admissions arrangements (Following Academic Year) | The linked document contains our admissions arrangements for 2026-2027. | |
Suspensions and Exclusions Policy |
KS2 results
Pupils' average score in the reading test | 2017 Average KS2 Reading Scaled Score: 105.82 2018 Average KS2 Reading Scaled Score: 106.67 2019 Average KS2 Reading Scaled Score: 106.68 | |
Pupils' average score in the maths test | 2017 Average KS2 Reading Scaled Score: 105.29 2018 Average KS2 Reading Scaled Score: 105.69 2019 Average KS2 Reading Scaled Score: 105.57 |
KS4 results
Progress 8 score | 2017: 0.25 2018: 0.19 2019: 0.47 2020: Not calculated because of the CAG process 2021: Not calculated because of the TAG process 2022: +0.30. Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years. We await validation of the P8 score for 2022 but the DfE has provided an early figure of +0.3. 2023: +0.43 | |
Attainment 8 score | 2017: 56.1 2018: 55.0 2019: 56.5 2020: 57.7 (from CAGs) 2021: 58.6 (from TAGs) 2022: 55.6 2023: 54.9 | |
English and Maths (Basic) | 2017 4+: 81.6% 2017 5+: 64.0% 2018 4+: 82.6% 2018 5+: 64.2% 2019 4+: 85.8% 2019 5+: 64.2% 2020 4+: 85.6% (from CAGs) 2020 5+: 71.0% (from CAGs) 2021 4+: 87% (from TAGs) 2021 5+: 71.4% (from TAGs) 2022 4+: 83:0% 2022 5+: 66.45% 2023: 4+: 83% 2023: 5+: 69% | |
EBACC | 2017 entered: 68.9% 2017 achieved: 35.7% 4+, 37.8% 5+ 2018 entered: 45.9% 2018 achieved: 37% 4+, 23.2% 5+ 2019 entered: 51.9% 2019 achieved: 36.8% 4+, 25.5% 5+ 2020 entered: 52.8% (from CAGs) 2020 achieved:33.1% (from CAGs) 2021 entered: 56.9% (from TAGs) 2021 achieved: 41% (from TAGs) 2022 entered: 53.3% 2022 achieved 5+: 36% 2023 entered: 66% 2023 achieved 5+: 42% | |
Student Destinations | Please see attached document. |
KS5 results
English and Maths Progress | 2018 English:+1.00 2018 Maths: +0.33 2019 English: NE 2019 Maths: +1.00 2020: During the year 2019-20 there were no students required to resit Maths or English GCSE 2021: During the year 2020-21 there were no students required to resit Maths or English GCSE 2022: During the year 2021-22 there were no students required to resit Maths or English GCSE 2023: During the year 2022-23 there were no students required to resit Maths or English GCSE | |
Contextual Progress | Please follow link for details. | |
Average grade | 2018 A Level Grade: C+ 2018 Academic Grade: C+ 2018 Applied General Grade: Distinction 2018 Technical Level Grade: Distinction* 2019 A Level Grade: B- 2019 Academic Grade: B- 2019 Applied General Grade: Distinction+ 2020 A Level Grade (from CAGs): B 2020 Academic Grade (from CAGs): B 2020 Applied General Grade: Distinction+ 2021 A Level Grade (from TAGs): B+ 2021 Academic Grade (from CAGs): B+ 2021 Applied General Grade: Distinction+ 2022 A Level Grade: B+ 2022 Applied General Grade: Distinction+ 2023 A Level Grade: B 2023 Applied General Grade: Distinction- | |
Student retention | Please follow link for details. | |
Student destinations | Please follow link for details. |
DfE Performance tables
DfE Performance Tables | Please follow the related link to the DfE Performance tables for Toot Hill School. |
Parents and other members of the public can find out more about the curriculum we offer by visiting our Curriculum page.
Remote Learning Provision Details | If we are not experiencing a period of school closure, then students will be directed to appropriate high-quality learning resources on the curriculum topics they would be learning in school. These will be placed on the school website on each ‘subject’ page to allow students to follow their school timetable easily and to allow staff to periodically review the provision to ensure it continues to align with our in-school provision. | |
Music Development Plan |
The school's approach to the curriculum | KS3 & KS4 : 11 - 16 School Day Our school day starts at 8.30am, with a 15 minute Tutor Period, and finishes at 3.00pm (2.10pm on Fridays). Students have a 15 minute break in the morning and a 40 minute lunch break. In Years 7 to 11, students are taught six 50 to 55 minute lessons a day. In addition, the school offers a wide variety of enrichment opportunities after school as part of ‘Extended Study’ to all of our students. These operate from 3.00pm to 4.15pm on Tuesday to Thursday. | |
Curriculum content | An Aspirational and Inclusive Curriculum At Toot Hill School we believe our ambitious and broad curriculum is an entitlement for every student, regardless of their starting point, personal circumstance and previous life experience. We comply with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 by ensuring our curriculum is accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs. Our curriculum empowers every student to dictate their own future and determine their legacy. By engaging with our offer, students experience a transformational learning journey over time that develops them into well-informed, confident and responsible young people who are intellectually curious and have a thirst for life-long learning, underpinned by the principle of being knowledge-led in both the academic and personal development curriculum. We deliberately teach a knowledge-led Personal Development Curriculum from Y7 to 13 to ensure that our students leave us as thoughtful decision makers who feel secure and safe in their personal identities, and are able to positively and articulately connect with all members of our community, with respect and compassion. We challenge students to reflect upon, and think critically about, the world around them, whilst supporting them to develop the self-belief and bravery required to leave a legacy within our ever-evolving world. Our curriculum design does not view students’ GCSE examinations as the end point; each subject area curates their curriculum to prepare students authentically for the next stage in the subject’s journey, building students’ schema sequentially to lead them on their journey from novice to expert. We are ambitious for every pupil in our care and, to that end, our curriculum design facilitates the expectation that pupils work towards targets that put them in the top 5% nationally. These targets are derived from Fischer Family Trust Aspire estimates that consider a pupil’s prior attainment, gender and month of birth. Our broad and balanced KS3 curriculum encompasses Year 7, 8 and 9. In years 7, 8 and 9 all students study: English, Maths, Science, French or Spanish, Geography, History, Religious Education, Art, Drama, Music, Technology, Games, PE and PSHE In Year 10, students commence KS4 studies with all students in both Year 10 and 11 studying English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Science (Combined or Separate), Geography or History (often both), and three option subjects. These optional subjects include: Business Studies, Computing, Citizenship Studies, Economics, Fashion and Textiles, Food Preparation and Nutrition, Media Studies, Philosophy and Ethics, Engineering, Hospitality and Catering, Enterprise and Marketing, Sociology, Art, Drama, Music and Technology. We continually review this offer to look for additional courses that we can provide. The online KS4 Options brochure can be viewed here: At KS4, a small number of students do not continue a modern foreign language to GCSE where it is determined that additional English and Mathematics time would be beneficial for the student. Students receive three reports over the year that detail their progress towards their aspirational targets and scores for attitude to learning and home learning. At KS3, student work and summative assessments are used to determine an indicative grade for each student, which is then compared to their ‘banded’ target. At KS4, indicative grades become more accurate and, as such, they are then compared to an integer target. | |
Name of Curriculum Lead | Mr Steve Brown, Deputy Head Teacher, |
GCSE Qualifications | English Language English Literature Mathematics Combined Science Biology Chemistry Physics Computer Science French Spanish Geography History Astronomy Religion, Philosophy and Ethics Citizenship Studies Sociology Design and Technology Food Preparation and Nutrition Catering Engineering Media Studies Art Fashion and Textiles Music Drama Acting and Production Physical Education Cambridge National Sport Studies Economics Business Studies | |
Name of Curriculum Lead | Mr Steve Brown, Deputy Head Teacher, |
16-19 Qualifications on offer | For the academic year commencing in 2023, entry requirements to study at Toot Hill Sixth Form College include at least a grade 4 in GCSE English Language and a grade 4 in GCSE Mathematics. There are also subject-specific entry requirements which students must meet in order to study particular courses; these are outlined in the college prospectus which can be found on the Toot Hill School website. The courses offered by the college are listed below: A Level and Vocational Courses • Art and Design • Biology • Chemistry • Computing • Drama and Theatre • Economics • English Combined • English Language • English Literature • Geography • Government and Politics • History • Law • Mathematics • Further Mathematics • Media Studies • French • Spanish • Music • Philosophy and Ethics • Photography • Physical Education • Physics • Product Design • Psychology • Sociology • Cambridge Technical Business (Single Award) • Cambridge Technical Business (Double Award) • Cambridge Technical Health and Social Care • BTEC Information Technology (Single Award) • BTEC Applied Science (Double Award) • BTEC Sport (Single Award) • BTEC Sport (Double Award) • BTEC Travel & Tourism • BTEC Engineering • WJEC Diploma Food Science and Nutrition In addition the courses presented here, students are presented with a wealth of enrichment opportunities including: • Extended Project Qualification Well-respected and recommended by top universities, students at Toot Hill Sixth Form College are offered the opportunity to research and write a 5,000 word project on a topic of their choice. • Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (D of E) • Students’ Union (Senior Prefects) An active Students’ Union enables greater autonomy for students in the creation of a ‘higher education’ ethos and provides opportunities for consultation regarding key college decisions. | |
How we meet the 16-19 study programme requirements | Our post-16 students have a weekly mentoring session and timetabled independent study. They have opportunities to work with younger students, have literacy or learning mentors or subject ambassadors. Each student is encouraged to undertake the Toot Hill passport volunteering scheme. Duke of Edinburgh and many volunteering opportunities provide exceptional opportunities for students to develop character and resilience in preparation for the world post college. |
Values and Ethos
Statement of Values and Ethos | Toot Hill School is committed to providing our students with the very best start in life. We believe that every child matters and with the correct support, guidance and care, every child can succeed. Quite simply, every student should feel a very strong sense of belonging at Toot Hill. We understand that every student is different and we will provide the individual support and guidance that will allow every child to reach their full potential both academically and as a young person ready to enter the wider world. Toot Hill School also values the opportunities and benefits that extra curricular activities can offer. We have developed an exceptional range of after-school activities providing every student with the opportunity to explore their full potential. At Toot Hill School we believe that outstanding, inspiring and exciting teaching is critical to the happiness, well-being and progress of every child. To ensure this takes place we have a clear set of expectations that inform everything we do at Toot Hill: We believe every student is entitled to access a broad and balanced, ambitious curriculum no matter their starting point, personal experience or circumstance. We have high expectations of students and staff. We believe every student can succeed. We will ensure barriers to learning are challenged and overcome. We expect teaching to be well planned, varied and stimulating. We believe learning should be active, focused and engaging. |
Behaviour Policy | Toot Hill School is committed to providing high quality education. This means promoting positive attitudes, behaviours and learning habits so that students can develop to their full potential. At Toot Hill, we teach the importance of good behaviour and how to display exceptional behaviour through our behaviour curriculum, 'The Toot Hill Way'. There is an inexstricable link between behaviour, fulfillment and achievement; it is therefore essential that Toot Hill school promotes and teaches good behaviour and challenges unacceptable behaviour to ensure pupils achieve their full potential. This is a basic expectation that must underpin the daily work of our school. High expectations, shared values, fair and consistent application of awards and sanctions; combined with effective teaching and active tutoring are key to promoting positive behaviour and ensuring safety, happiness and great achievement. Please see the link attached for further information. | |
Attendance Procedure | ||
Uniform Standards | ||
Safeguarding/Child protection | Our policy applies to staff, governors and volunteers working in our school and takes into account statutory guidance provided by the Department for Education (DfE) and local guidance issued by Nottinghamshire County Council. Our school safeguarding and child protection policy incorporate the duties and responsibilities set out within the Education Act 2002, DfE statutory guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 and HM Working Together To Safeguard Children 2018. | |
Anti-bullying policy | The aim of our anti-bullying policy is to clarify for students and staff that bullying is always unacceptable. We wish to encourage an environment where independence is celebrated and individuals can flourish without fear. Every student has the right to be safe and happy, and to be protected when feeling vulnerable. Our anti-bullying policy is contained within our Behaviour Policy which can be downloaded via the link. | |
Health and Safety policy | Toot Hill school recognises its responsibility for the health and safety and welfare of staff and students. We recognise that decisions about workplace health and safety should take into account the views and priorities of the workforce as well as the management. SLT lead a small team who focus on monitoring and reviewing health and safety policies and procedures working closely with a designated health and safety officer. Please see the document attached for our Health & Safety policy. | |
First Aid Policy | ||
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions | ||
Complaints policy | The Complaints Policy is available to download here. | |
Managing Serial and Unreasonable Complaints policy | This policy is contained within the Complaints policy. | |
SEND Policy | Please find attached. | |
Freedom of Information Publication Scheme | The Trust Freedom of Information Publication Scheme available to download here. | |
Charging and Remissions Policy | The Charging and Remissions Policy is available to download here. | |
Whistleblowing Policy | The Trust Whistleblowing Policy is available to download here. | |
Online Safety Procedure | ||
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Policy |
Details of how the pupil premium was spent in the previous academic year | ||
Amount of pupil premium allocation for the current year | For 2023-2024 Toot Hill School was allocated £194,063 based on 16.6% registered for Ever 6, Free school meals, Looked after Children and Service Children. Toot Hill School falls on the border of the lowest and 4th quintile for receipt of Pupil Premium funding. This will be reviewed in September 2025. Please follow the related link to the dedicated Pupil Premium page. |
Year 7 Literacy/Numeracy Catch Up Funding Allocation | Final payments of the Year 7 catch-up premium were made in relation to the 2019-20 academic year. Details of how the funding was used and the associated impacts are detailed in the attached document. | |
16-19 Tuition Fund | The DfE has provided additional funding for one-year to schools, colleges and other 16 to 19 providers across the UK in this school year, to support mitigating the disruption to learning which has arisen from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Support is being prioritised where students will benefit most from small group tuition, and particular regard is being given to the requirements of disadvantaged students and students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Toot Hill Sixth Form College has committed to using the Tuition Fund that the ESFA has made available. ESFA guidance related to the Tuition Fund is available . The funding received will be used to provide ‘small group tuition’ to students who have; • students that have not achieved a grade 6 in GCSE English and/or GCSE Maths at age 16 and would need catch-up support • students from the 27% most economically deprived areas of the country (based on the index of multiple deprivation) and would need catch-up support • students that are economically disadvantaged who meet the 16 to 19 Bursary Fund eligibility criteria and would need catch-up support to reach their full potential will be eligible, even where their prior attainment is high ‘Small group tuition’ entails groups of up to 5 students receiving tuition for a common subject they require significant improvement in. This tuition will be in addition to the programmes of education already planned for this school year and will be delivered by existing teaching staff. We will continually review the tuition that students are receiving to ensure they are getting the maximum impact from it. These reviews will take place in line with each reporting cycle. Toot Hill Sixth Form College will ensure that the tuition fund is used in accordance with the Government’s guidance on the 16 to 19 Tuition Fund by: Producing this statement setting out how the fund will be used to support the most disadvantaged students. Publishing this statement on the school website. Recording the use of the fund, including references to individual students who receive support, the needs of those students, the number of hours of tuition delivered and retaining the evidence of the tuition provided. Delivering the extra tuition and spend the allocated funds in the academic year 2022/23. Notifying the Education Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) of any underspend from the Fund for it to be reclaimed. | |
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Catch-Up Premium | All COVID-19 catch-up premium grant funding from 2020/21 was spent within that year. The details and intended impact of this spending can be found in the attached document. |
Special Education Needs (SEND) Report
SEND report for the current academic year | This report complies with section 69(2) of the Children and Families Act 2014 and schedule 1 of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. |
Accessibility Plan for Disabled Pupils
Accessibility Procedure |
Public Sector Equality Duty
Equality Objectives | EQUALITY STATEMENT 2024-25 Toot Hill School is committed to the promotion of equality of opportunity and places great value on the diversity of its community. The provision of equality of opportunity and respect for the needs and rights of the individual are fundamental to the values of Toot Hill School. Toot Hill School fulfils its general and specific duties in relation to equality of opportunity and actively demonstrates due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity, and foster good relations between different people when carrying out their activities, in all protected characteristics as identified in the Equality Act 2010. A protected characteristic under the act covers the groups listed below: • age • disability • race • sex (including issues of transgender) • gender reassignment • maternity and pregnancy • religion and belief • sexual orientation Having due regard to the need to advance equality of opportunity is defined further in the Equality Act 2010 as having due regard to the need to: 1. Remove or minimise disadvantages 2. Take steps to meet different needs 3. Encourage participation when it is disproportionately low. How we approach this is outlined below: Equality Objectives • To improve the average attendance for all pupils who belong to one of the aforementioned groups to 96% or higher, and keep persistent non-attendance figures below national average. • To improve the achievement of SEND students and disadvantaged students to be line with national data. • To raise expectations amongst staff and students in order that 80% of young people on roll to make at least nationally expected progress each year in all core subjects. • To ensure that young people who are eligible for pupil premium (in receipt of free school meals in the last 6 years or are a child in care) have adequate support so that they attend school regularly and that the majority make nationally expected progress that is in line with their peers. • To review and revise the curriculum so that it represents a diverse culture and society and encourages tolerance and respect. • Reduce the incidence of the use of homophobic, sexist and racist language by students in the school. • To ensure that images used around school, for example, in lessons, noticeboards, assemblies represent the diverse culture and society we live in. • To improve attendance to parents evenings, and communication with parents, particularly for those students who are eligible for pupil premium funding, have a special need or disability or for whom English is an additional language. • To ensure that young people identifiable by one of the protected characteristics who attend Toot Hill School have a voice, and are offered opportunities for wider student participation. All Toot Hill staff are expected to: Promote an inclusive and collaborative ethos inside and outside of the classroom, deal with and report any prejudice-related incidents that may occur, and keep up-to-date with equalities legislation relevant to their work. Last reviewed: September 2024 |
School's Career Leader | Fiona Farmer,, 01949 863068 | |
Careers Programme Summary | Students need a planned programme of activities to enable them to gain the knowledge, understanding, skills, attitudes and attributes required to make well informed choices about their 11 -18 pathways and to enable them to manage their careers and sustain employment throughout their lives. Effective careers education is impartial and considers young people's personal abilities, needs and preferences. It is motivating and it raises aspiration, by providing clear targets and by encouraging young people to participate in learning and to attain qualifications to reach their full potential. A clear picture of the current and projected local and national labour market helps to support students’ future career intentions and helps inform future education and training plans. Toot Hill School fulfills its duty to provide careers education from Year 7 to 13 and to give students access to careers information and impartial guidance. Careers features as a key part of the Personal Development Curriculum which is complemented by a diverse and extensive character building, enrichment and extra-curricular/extended study programme. Students are provided with a multitude of opportunities to try new things, discover new interests, develop their talents and connect with others more deeply, thus developing their emotional resilience, personal identity and long term goals. | |
How we measure and assess the impact of the careers programme on pupils | The delivery of CEIAG, including external provision to students will be evaluated annually through discussion with students, evaluation forms, and survey monkey and during supervision of the day. Senior Leaders and Head of Year mentors will undertake interviews with Year 11 and Post 16 students in the spring term annually to assess whether the needs of all students are being met. Individual Careers-linked events such as visits to Careers Fairs, Year 10 Mock Interview Day and Enterprise Days are evaluated individually and reported to senior staff as part of the annual reporting process. The school will also utilise both local and national destination data to assess the success in supporting students to take up education and/or training which offers good long term prospects. | |
Provider Access Statement | This policy statement sets out Toot Hill School's arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils at school for the purposes of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education act 1997 (the ‘Baker Clause’). Student entitlement Students in Years 7 – 13 are entitled to: Find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point; hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options evening’s, assemblies and group discussions and taster events; understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses. Management of Provider Access requests Any provider wishing to request access to Toot Hill School should contact Fiona Farmer ( | |
Careers Guidance and Access For Education and Training Providers Policy Statement |
Data Protection Policy | This document gives information about how the schools within the trust and the trust itself manages, processes and protects data. | |
Privacy Notice for Pupil Data | We use information that we gather in relation to our pupils for various purposes. Information that we hold in relation to a pupil is known as personal data. This will include data that we obtain from pupils directly and data which we obtain from other people and organisations. We might also need to continue to hold personal data for a period of time after pupils have left the school/trust. Anything that we do with this personal data is known as processing. The school/trust is committed to being transparent about how it collects and uses personal data and to meeting its data protection obligations. Please see the attached document for full details. | |
Privacy Notice for Parent/Carer Data | ||
Privacy Notice for Trust Workforce Data |
School Governor Information
Names of Governors, terms of office, date of appointments and who appointed them | Mr Andrew Peters (Chair of Governors) Ms Sian Griffiths (Vice Chair of Governors) Mrs Fiona Farmer Mrs Michaela Jessop Mr Jim Lane Mrs Priya Bithal Mrs Louise Norton Mr Justin Ashmore Mrs Karen Waldron Mr Kurt Madden Please see the attached document for full details of governors. Clerk to the Governors: Mrs T Raoof | |
Structure and responsibilities | Please find attached the Governance Scheme of Delegation. | |
Link Governor for Safeguarding | Priya Bithal | |
Link Governor for SEND | Louise Norton | |
Link Governor for Curriculum | KS3 - Jim Lane KS4 - Jim Lane & Sian Griffiths KS5 - Sian Griffiths | |
Link Governor for Careers | Karen Waldron | |
Link Governor for Governor Development | Justin Ashmore | |
Other Link Governors | Finance - Kurt Madden | |
Attendance record at meetings over the last academic year | Academic year 2023-2024 | |
Pecuniary Interests of Governors (Current Academic Year) |
Trust Governance Team
Names of Trustees, terms of office, date of appointments and who appointed them | Margaret Monckton (Chair) Adrian Stephenson (Vice Chair) Lucy Burrow Tony Glover Steve Crawford Stuart Howells Jason Carter Sayed Yasmin Hussain James Ellis Gavin Brown Please follow the link to the Nova Education Trust website for further details. | |
Names of Members of the Academy Trust | Jonathan Sims Nicola Morrison Nichole Munro Nicolle Ndiweni Richard Flewitt | |
Chairs of Sub-Committees | Education Committee: Adrian Stephenson People and Remuneration Committee: Lucy Burrow Strategic, Finance & Operations Committee: Steve Crawford Audit Committee: Jason Carter | |
Chair of Toot Hill School LGB Sub-Committee | Dr A Peters The address to contact the Chair of the Local Governing Body is the school address as above. |
Trust Governance Documents
Members, Trustees, Accounting Officer and Executives Pecuniary Interests | Further information is provided on the Nova Education Trust website. Please follow the related link. | |
Governance structures | The Nova Governance Arrangements are available to download here. | |
Board Diversity Data | Our published report provides diversity data about the board and our local committees. | |
Trust annual audited accounts and report | Please follow the link to be taken to the latest Trust annual audited accounts and report. | |
Memorandum and Articles of Association | A copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association for Nova Education Trust can be accessed on the Nova Education Trust website. Please follow the related link. | |
Funding Agreement | A copy of the Funding Agreement for Nova Education Trust can be accessed on the Nova Education Trust website. Please follow the related link. |
Terms and conditions of website use | The use of this website is subject to the Terms and Conditions outlined below. By accessing and browsing this website the user automatically accepts these Terms and Conditions. We reserve the right to change and amend these Terms and Conditions without notification. The content of this school website is provided as an information service to users only. The content is relevant to the individual school and does not necessarily relate to other schools within the Trust. The school has endeavoured to provide correct and relevant information but there may be factual inaccuracies, typographical mistakes or technical errors. If a user identifies any factual inaccuracies, typographical mistakes or technical errors please feel free to contact the school in the first instance. No liability for factual inaccuracies, typographical mistakes or technical errors on this site are accepted by the Trust or school within law. The Trust and school fully reserve the right to make changes, amendments and corrections at any time, without notice. Any material (text, images, graphics, UIs, system processes) contained within this website may not be downloaded, reproduced or replicated in any way without the express permission of the Nova Education Trust. The school and Trust does not take responsibility for the content of hyper-links provided on this website in good faith. The Trust and School does not endorse or validate the content, views or opinions (implicit or explicit) stated in sites hyper-linked, mentioned or referenced on this website. If a user has any concerns regarding the content of sites hyper-linked, mentioned or referenced on this website please contact the school in the first instance. This website, its content and associated Trust and school branding is copyright of the Nova Education Trust 2017. | |
Cookie policy | This website does not create, use or store cookies. Measuring website usage (Google Analytics) We use Google Analytics software to collect information about how you use our school website. Google Analytics stores information about: • how you got to the site • what you click on while you’re visiting the site • how long you spend on the site • how long you spend on each link page you click through to • what you click on once at the page you’ve clicked through to We don’t collect or store your personal information (eg your name or address) so this information can’t be used to identify who you are. Privacy and keeping your data secure We also hold and store personal information if a website user submits information on any of our contact, enquiry or application forms. The content submitted on the form is stored on our servers and we won’t share your information with any other organisations for marketing, market research or commercial purposes, and we don’t pass on your details to other websites. Disclosing your information We may pass on your information to the appropriate authorities if we have a legal obligation to do so, or if we have to enforce or apply our terms of use and other agreements. Further information If you have any further questions about our Cookie, Web Analysis or Privacy processes please contact your school office in the first instance. | |
Trading disclosures | Nova Education Trust Company Number 07635510 A PRI/LBG/NSC/(Exempt) incorporated on 16 May 2011. Registered office address is Nova Education Trust Office (C19), The Sir Colin Campbell Building, The University Of Nottingham, Triumph Road, Nottingham, England, NG7 2TU. Telephone: 0115 807 7777. |
Latest News
- Author Visit: Matt Dickinson
To Everest and Beyond! (Learning Lounge - 24/01/2025) - Work Experience has been launched!
Applying for Work Experience 2025 (Careers - 07/01/2025) - Toot Hill School Excels in Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge
48 Gold Certificates (ICT & Computing - 13/12/2024) - The Book Fair is Coming to Toot Hill
The book fair will be in the Learning Lounge from Tuesday 19th November to Monday 25th November. (Learning Lounge - 12/11/2024) - Harlaxton September 2024 Apprentice Intake
The attached photo shows our September 2024 apprentice intake previous students at Tool Hill. (Alumni - 07/11/2024)