Media Studies Curriculum Intent



Media Studies Curriculum Intent

At Toot Hill, Media Studies is a truly contemporary subject which aims to give students the tools and confidence to critically engage with a wide range of texts, going on to be experts in our field of study. Across the course of study, students will develop an understanding of and an analytical approach to television, radio, music, video games, advertising, film, print media and online and social participatory media. Through the study of these CSPs (close study products) students will be invited to consider their own experiences and engagement with the media industry and consider the role that it plays in their everyday lives. We ensure that our students are exposed to diversity across the media curriculum, gaining an appreciation and celebrating texts from different cultures and viewpoints. In lesson, we teach and promote the use of ambitious high-level tier two and tier three vocabulary in all student responses which is further embedded in our planning, knowledge organisers and student learning steps.

The practical elements of the subject allows students to demonstrate their theoretical knowledge in a practical and creative way, constructing their own texts across all three platforms and developing an understanding of the importance of synergy and the impact of technical convergence. Students will have the opportunity to master a variety of products such as Photoshop, I Movie and Wix which will take them beyond the classroom and equip them with invaluable skills for life.

We feel that we have developed a curriculum which:

Provides students with the skills and knowledge to analyse and critique the different forms of media with which they engage every day

Fosters a passion for all forms of media and the process in which they are created

Teaches students beyond what is required in an exam and gives students life skills which they take beyond the classroom

Ensures that powerful knowledge of production and reception is recalled and embedded and applied when engaging with a range of media texts

Encourages students to explore and critically engage with the ideas of media theorists and develop their own hypotheses and conclusions on key media issues

Will expose students to a wide range of texts from around the world which will give them an understanding of the way that media is manipulated as a tool

Allows students to think critically about the ways that trends in media reflect the social/political landscape

Promotes and develops an understanding of how media texts are used as a construct for society and identify how producers’ intentions are used to critique society

March 2025


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