
The table below shows all school staff in alphabetical order, the departments in which they teach (where applicable) and any special responsibilities held.

Head Teacher

Dr C Eardley
ScienceHead Teacher

Deputy Head

Mr S BrownICT & ComputingDeputy Head Teacher
Mrs C SmithEnglishSenior Deputy Head Teacher

School Leaders

Mr D BalfePhysical EducationAssistant Head Teacher
Mrs V Davis
GeographyAssistant Head Teacher
Mrs J Gray
Physical Education
School Leader, Senior DSL, Head of RSHE
Mrs S Gray
Art & DesignSchool Leader, Head of Year 13
Ms C Hallam
ScienceSchool Leader Head of Science
Mrs M Jessop
More Able
Social Sciences
Aspiring Senior Leader; More Able Provision; Joint Head of Social Sciences
Mrs C Mordue
EnglishAspiring Senior Leader, Head of College
Mrs P Patel
MathematicsSchool Leader
Mrs H Rothwell
HistoryAssistant Head Teacher
Mr C Rudge
ICT & Computing
Aspiring Senior Leader, Head of ICT
Ms Z Whoriskey
EnglishSchool Leader-Year 11 Achievement

Teaching Staff

Mr D AdamsScienceTeacher of Science
Mrs A ApplebyModern Foreign LanguagesTeacher of MFL
Mr P ArmannICT & Computing
Trust Web Developer
Mrs R BaileyScienceTeacher of Science
Mr O BarnesHistory
Social Sciences
Head of Year 12 (Mat cover)
Miss E BeattieDesign & TechnologyTeacher of DT
Miss A BellMedia
Teacher of Media Studies
Miss S BennettMathematicsTeacher of Maths
Miss A BirkinScienceTeacher of Chemistry
Miss H BishoppModern Foreign LanguagesSecond in Department of MFL
Mrs R BrentleyGeography
Learning Support
SENDCo; Teacher of Geography
Ms M Britton
DramaHead of Performing Arts
Mrs A BrownEnglishWhole School Literacy Lead
Miss A BurmanBusiness Studies & EconomicsAssistant Head of Year 7
Mr J CampbellMathematicsTeacher of Maths
Miss M ChallonerSocial SciencesHead of Pastoral Care for the College
Mrs R ChanaEnglishTeacher of English
Mr S ChiltonGeographyTeacher of Geography
Mrs H ChoudhuryICT & ComputingTeacher of Computer Science
Mrs A ClareScienceKS3 Curriculum Lead for Science
Mrs D ClarkeMathematicsTeacher for Maths
Miss P CoatesEnglishHead of Year 13
Mrs C CocksPhysical EducationSecond in Department of PE
Mr L CollenLearning Support
Assistant SENDCo
Mr C CooperGeographyTeacher of Geography
Mrs F Dexter
Social Sciences
ASL -Curriculum Intent
Mrs S Docherty
Religion, Philosophy & EthicsHead of Philosophy & Ethics
Miss L DubeHistoryTeacher of History and Religious Studies
Ms S EdmondClassroom Teacher
Mr A ElliottScience
Second in Department of Maths; Head of Astronomy
Mrs H ErentzEnglishSecond in Department of English
Mr S EvansHistory
Social Sciences
Lead Teacher of History
Mrs J FatekEnglishLead Teacher of Alternative Curriculum Pathways
Miss S FinneranMathematicsTeacher of Maths
Miss O GalePhysical EducationAssistant Head of Year 10
Miss E GaragusoMathematicsAssistant Head of Year 9
Miss P GordonPhysical EducationHead of Year 7
Miss L GrahamModern Foreign LanguagesHead of MFL
Miss A GregorySocial SciencesAssistant Head of Year 8
Miss K HaleGeographyLead Teacher of Geography
Miss A HammondHistoryTeacher of History
Mrs R HarrisEnglishLead Teacher in English
Miss E HinchleyArt & DesignTeacher of Art
Miss L Hughes
ICT & Computing
Teacher of Science
Mrs J HughesMathematicsKS3 Curriculum Lead for Maths
Miss K JonesMusicTeacher of Music
Mrs R Kenny
GeographyAspiring School Leader, Head of Geography
Ms M KraimModern Foreign Languages
Business Studies & Economics
Teacher of MFL
Mr J Lang
ScienceKS5 Curriculum Lead for Science
Ms S LatusEnglish
Teacher of Year 7
Mr J LawHistory
Social Sciences
Head of History
Mr S LawrenceSciencePhysics; Lead Teacher for Student Pathways
Mrs S LynasPhysical EducationLead Teacher of KS5 PE
Dr L MallinsonMathematicsTeacher of Maths
Miss B Marshall
Modern Foreign LanguagesHead of Year 9
Ms J MathesonMathematicsTeacher of Maths
Mr D Mordue
Physical EducationHead of Year 10
Mrs A Moreman
ScienceTeacher of Science
Mrs C MorganScienceSecond in Department of Science
Miss L MowattScienceTeacher of Science
Mrs J MyersModern Foreign LanguagesTeacher of MFL, NQT Coordinator and SCITT Lead Tutor
Miss J OliverArt & DesignHead of Art
Miss U ParamjothyPhysical EducationLead Teacher of GCSE PE, Enrichment and Sports Leadership
Mrs C Pearson
ScienceHead of Chemistry
Mrs A PearsonEnglishKS3 Lead for English
Miss S PerkinsEnglishLead Teacher of English
Mrs K PheasantEnglishHead of English
Mrs G RahmanModern Foreign LanguagesTeacher of MFL
Miss G RevagliatteSocial SciencesJoint Head of Social Sciences
Mrs L RobertsSocial SciencesHead of Year 8/ Teacher of Sociology
Mr J RodriguezReligion, Philosophy & EthicsTeacher of Religious Studis
Mr M Rogers
Business Studies & EconomicsHead of Business Studies
Mrs E SantamariaDramaLead Teacher for Performing Arts
Mrs A SawardPhysical EducationTeacher of PE
Mrs J SelbyScienceTeacher of Biology
Miss S SethModern Foreign LanguagesTeacher of MFL
Mr K Seymour
MusicHead of Music, Duke of Edinburgh Lead
Ms L SharpDesign & TechnologyTeacher of DT
Mr O SharrattPhysical EducationTeacher of PE
Mr C ShawScienceTeacher of Science
Miss I Sheldon
Physical EducationHead of Year 11
Mrs K Short
MathematicsHead of Maths
Mr N SinghMathematicsTeacher of Maths
Mr J SleepEnglishTeacher of English
Mr W SmithDrama
Teacher of Performing Arts
Ms C ThomasReligion, Philosophy & Ethics
Teacher of English and PHSE
Mrs J ThorntonEnglishTeacher of English
Mrs H TimminsClassroom Teacher
Mr M TinsleyPhysical EducationTeacher of PE
Ms C TuckerEnglishSecond in Department of English
Mrs C Tull
Head of Media Studies
Mr E VernonGeographyLead Teacher of Geography
Mr T VivianBusiness Studies & EconomicsTeacher of Business Studies
Mr R WaltersDesign & Technology
STEM Pathways
Lead Teacher for Pathways in Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths (STEM)
Ms L White
Design & TechnologyJoint Head of DT
Mr T WhitePhysical EducationLead Teacher of PE Curriculum and Assessment
Miss I WiddowsonBusiness Studies & EconomicsTeacher of Business
Miss E WoodSocial SciencesTeacher of Psychology
Ms C WorsnopScienceTeacher of Science
Miss F YatesEnglishTeacher of English
Miss A Zaffarese
Design & TechnologyJoint Head of DT

Teaching Assistants

Mrs J BakerLearning SupportLearning Support Assistant; ELSA
Mrs T BakerLearning SupportLearning Support Assistant
Mrs J BoultonLearning SupportLearning Support Admin Assistant
Mrs P ChanLearning SupportEAL Teaching Assistant
Mrs M ClelandLearning SupportLearning Support Assistant
Mrs A GreasleyLearning SupportHigher Level Teaching Assistant; Autism Lead; ELSA
Mrs K HasekiliLearning SupportLearning Support Assistant
Mrs H LangLearning SupportADHD Specialist and Transition Coordinator; Teaching Assistant
Ms L LawLearning SupportEAL Teaching Assistant
Mrs H LokLearning SupportLearning Support Assistant
Mrs E LoweLearning SupportLearning Support Assistant
Ms H MaslenLearning SupportLearning Support Assistant
Mrs T PatrickLearning SupportLearning Support Assistant
Mrs O PavlovaLearning SupportLearning Support Assistant
Mrs V TkachenkoLearning SupportLearning Support Assistant
Miss R WarrenLearning SupportAssistant SENDCo (Non-teaching)

Classroom Learning Assistants

Mrs A GorkinaClassroom Cover Supervisor
Mr M SureshbabbuClassroom Cover Supervisor

Behaviour Coordinators

Mr H CoxLead Behaviour Coordinator
Mrs G HallLearning SupportStudent Mentor
Miss C HillPersonal Development and Behavior Lead
Mr O MasonAssistant Head of Year 7/ Personal Development and Behavior Lead
Miss H MeekPersonal Development and Behaviour Lead
Mrs L ReganLearning SupportStudent Mentor; Mental Health and Wellbeing Officer
Mr C RossinSafeguarding Officer
Mrs N WoodLearning SupportMental Health & Wellbeing Coordinator

Administrative Support

Mrs G BerrowLearning Lounge Assistant
Mrs K BeverleyExams and Cover Manager
Mrs M ChoiJunior Finance Officer
Mrs H DempsterReceptionist
Mrs F FarmerToot Hill Extra Manager; Head of Careers
Mrs H FoxallLearning Lounge Manager
Mrs S FuchsAdministrative Support / Admissions
Mrs M HansonHR Administrative Assistant
Mr J HuntFinance Officer
Mrs J KirkReception and Exams Assistant
MIss A LilleyData Manager
Mrs D MasonBusiness and Operations Manager
Mrs K ParkinEvents Co-ordinator
Mrs T RaoofPA to Head Teacher
Miss C RobertsCareers Assistant
Mrs M SadlerCollege Secretary
Mrs H TaylorSchool Office Manager

Student Services

Mrs C Adams de BankeStudent Services Office Manager
Mrs F BaptistaStudent Services Assistant
Mr I DaviesAttendance Officer
Miss R JonesAttendance Officer
Ms A PriestAttendance Officer

Ancillary and Technical Staff

Mr D BrothwellIT Technician
Mrs S ChapmanDesign & TechnologyDesign & Technology Technician
Mrs B ChettleReprographics Technician
Miss Z HutchinsonDesign & TechnologyFood Technician
Mr M ManScienceScience Technician
Mrs J RedfernScienceSenior Science Technician
Mrs N WagstaffArt & DesignArt technician
Mrs A ZerdaziReprographics Manager


Mrs E BowryAccess Arrangements Coordinator

Site Services

Mr S AllanSite Services Technician
Mr E PilartysSite operative/Cleaning Supervisor
Mr E TurnsSenior Site Services Technician
Mr G TurnsSite Services Technician
Mrs S WooldridgeSite Manager / Cleaning Team Manager

Catering Staff

Mrs T HattonMid-Day Supervisor
Mrs H LokMidday Supervisor
Mrs E ManneringMidday Supervisor
Mrs H RobinsonMidday Supervisor

Nova Education Trust Staff

Mrs T PhilpottsPhysical EducationDirector of Nottinghamshire Torch SCITT
Mr A RahmanCEO (Nova Education Trust)
Mrs R RimmingtonSCITT Administration Officer

March 2025


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