RSHE Curriculum Intent

“When educating the mind of the youth, we must not forget to educate their hearts.”

Dalai Lama

At Toot Hill School, our RSHE provision underpins the values that we hold as a school and our structured lessons plan to cultivate students who; Work Hard, Be Kind and Take Pride. Our ambition is to develop students who know how to be safe and happy, whilst being prepared to face the challenges of our modern society. Lessons aim to equip students with practical skills, knowledge and understanding that will allow them to live healthy, fulfilled lives through exposure to deliberately planned content that enables students to think critically and be confident in decision making.

Students of today live in an ever-changing, complex world where they live seamlessly on and offline. Our students not only form part of our school and local communities but also a global community that is reached in just the touch of a button. RSHE is vital in ensuring that our students are confident individuals who are enabled members of society and know how to participate safely, and well-informed, in all of the communities they serve.

We are passionate in our vision to ensure all students develop as global citizens and as part of our school’s Personal Development Curriculum, lessons support students in the following areas:

  • Keeping safe and happy
  • Health, wellbeing and relationships
  • The world around me
  • What do I stand for?
  • My future
  • My scholarship

Toot Hill School’s integrated approach through Personal Development lessons, RSHE drop-down days, active tutoring, assemblies and citizenship and P&E lessons, which complements our Personal Development Curriculum, ensures that our students are empowered and develop their understanding of safe guarding, healthy relationships, British values, online safety, diversity and keeping healthy that create tolerant and articulate individuals.

Our RSHE curriculum supports students in thinking to the future and challenges students to be self-reflective. Lessons encourage students to consider their interests, strengths and skills to plan for their careers so they can make well-informed decisions that begin with choosing their options in Year 9.

Central to our teaching is empowering our students. Our lessons carefully interleave opportunities for students to develop resilience and character that is fundamental to pupils being happy and successful. Lessons are designed to build students’ confidence so that they believe they can achieve goals, both academic and personal, no matter how distant or uncertain the challenge to get there is. Students will develop skills that enable them to overcome setbacks and manage change that will help them recover from any challenges they encounter.

Toot Hill School’s RSHE provision will continue to develop and mould as the needs of our students change; meeting the new challenges as they arise in our ever-developing world.

March 2025


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