Web Links

Use the links below to visit our favourite sites. Use the link in the 'Related Downloads' panel to view or download a PDF version of this list which you can then either save or print out for future reference.

GCSE Medicine Through Time

BBC Learning Zone Medicine Through TimeMany fantastic, short clips designed to help GCSE pupils with their medicine revision
A history of SurgeryFantastic documentary by Michael Mosely, including Vesalius, Pare, Semmelwiss, Lister and plastic surgery
Filthy Cities documentaryFantastic documentary on medieval London, showing the problems of public health and disease. Ideal for revision on medieval Medicine

GCSE Nazi Germany

BBC Learning Zone Weimar and Nazi GermanyMany fantastic, short clips designed to help GCSE pupils with their Nazi Germany revision

GCSE Hitler Rise of Evil film

Hitler: Rise of Evil film part 1Fantastic TV movie showing Hitler's rise to power, including the Munich Putsch, becoming chancellor, through to the Night of the Long Knives. In two parts
Hitler: Rise of Evil film part 2Fantastic TV movie showing Hitler's rise to power, including the Munich Putsch, becoming chancellor, through to the Night of the Long Knives. In two parts

GCSE Bitesize

BBC Bitesize Ancient MedicineExcellent, simple revision materials for Prehistoric, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans
GCSE Bitesize Medieval and RenaissanceExcellent, simple revision materials for Medieval and Renaissance Medicine
GCSE Bitesize Modern MedicineExcellent, simple revision materials for 19th and 20th century medicine- Jenner, Pasteur, Koch, Fleming, Surgery and Public Health
GCSE Bitesize Nazi GermanyExcellent, simple revision materials for the whole Nazi Germany course. A superb starting point for revision

GCSE Terrorism Coursework

I knew Bin LadenAl Jazeera documentary on Osama Bin Laden- Warning- watch out for potential bias!
The Secret History of 9/11Documentary from American CBC channel made to commemorate the 5th anniversary of the attacks
Cost of the War on TerrorA counter that shows the amount of money the USA has spent on the War on Terror since 2001

Year 7: Thomas Becket

Murder at the CathedralA one hour documentary on the murder of Thomas Becket- useful for your November exam
BBC History Thomas BecketSome brief information about the background of Thomas Becket and his murder
Eyewitness to History- BecketMore detailed information on Becket and the murder
History Learning site- BecketMore detailed information on Becket and the murder

Year 12 & 13: The Tudors

John GuyThis website will give students an excellent overview of the key debates and interpretations of the Tudors.
Tudor HistoryThis website covers all the key themes, from religion and government to foreign policy. It will give a useful overview.
Spartacus EducationalThis website is a great starting point on any topic for the Tudors and will also give students the opportunity to engage with the historical debate and practice source skills.
Spark NotesFor year 13 students this will give them a clear and concise summary of all key points and enable them to familiarise themselves with key words.

Year 8: The Titanic

Titanic- birth of a Legend1hr 10 min documentary on the sinking of the Titanic
Titanicfacts.netComprehensive information about the Titanic and its sinking

January 2025


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