Web Links

Use the links below to visit our favourite sites. Use the link in the 'Related Downloads' panel to view or download a PDF version of this list which you can then either save or print out for future reference.

General Links

People and the Planethttp://www.peopleandplanet.net
MultimapSearch for place names and postcodes - download travel directions
StreetmapZoom in on any UK area by entering a place name, postcode, grid reference or tel code
Ordnance SurveyOS map info
Expedia.co.uk MapsRoad maps of UK and Europe
MSN Maps and DirectionsMaps for most US cities + major conurbations around the world
Map24Another UK map site
Maps WorldwideOnline shop for all map requirements
RAC Travel ServicesRoute planner/traffic news
Environment AgencyVariety of environmental info
Geographical - The MagazineTopical geography items
The Geographical AssociationGeog Association website
CIA - The World Factbook 2002World factbook
The World Bank GroupWorld bank website
USGS Geologic Information - DesertsInfo about deserts
GlacierInfo about glaciers
USGS - EarthquakesInfo about earthquakes
The Online Guides: MeteorologyInfo about meteorology
Met OfficeWeather/climate info
Met Office: LearningResources for students, enabling research into specific events eg 1987 hurricane
National Hurricane CentreNational Hurricane Center, Miami, Florida
WSVN-TV - Miami - The News StationInfo about hurricanes in Florida from local newspaper
Funbrain.comGames, quizzes etc
Channel 4 LearningChannel 4 education programmes
Columbus Travel GuidesFactual guide to holiday destinations
Leeds Geodemographic Analysis SystemMethod of extracting census data linked with postcodes
Northern LightSearch for news items
The CryosphereInfo about snow, blizzards and avalanches
Volcano WorldGood source of volcanic case studies
US Geological SurveyVariety of geological info
Museum of San FraciscoA case study of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake presented by the Museum of San Francisco
Centre for Ecology and HydrologyInstitute of Hydrology - very useful for UK hydrological info - most UK rivers have info included
World Flag DatabaseDatabase of flags of the world’s countries
National Curriculum in Action: GeographyThe national curriculum in action
BectaICT in education
US Census BureauPopulation Pyramids
Homework HighRevision site
Internet Geographyhttp://www.internetgeography.co.uk

February 2025


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