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British Science week kicks off with a year 9 STEM day

There's LOTS going on this week for British Science Week.

The Science Department are running a poster competition and lots of fun activities in lessons, the Learning Lounge are getting on board with STEM displays and activities and there are a number of cross-currcicular STEM activities going on.

The first of these was the year 9 STEM day where we were delighted to welcome the University of Nottingham outreach team from their Science Faculty in to school. They delivered 2 sessions to 48 year 9 students which involved a LOT of engaging STEM activities to enable students to apply their existing knowledge of STEM subjects but in new, cross-curricular applications.

The students were great and the event was a big success. We are already talking about future links with the UoN.

Look out for other STEM initiatives both during British Science Week and later in the year.

January 2025


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