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STEM: Secret Science Show was great today at Woolaton Hall

On Tuesday 6th of February, Toot Hill year 8s were invited to Woolaton Hall for a "Secret Science Show" as part of Nottingham Festival of Science and Curiosity. It was a brilliant day in an incredible setting and full of a diverse and fascinating range of science experiences. From the microscopic sculptures of Dr Willard Wigan, through the muscle building knowhow or elephant welfare expertise from the University of Nottingham, through to the incredible exhibits and taxidermy of Woolaton Hall itself. There was loads to see and do and hear and think about.

Thanks to all involved in making it happen.

If you missed out this time then don't panic! This event plus MANY other STEM evernts are running throughout half term and are open to the public. Click here: to find out more.

January 2025


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