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Arkwright Engineering Scholarships: An incredible opportunity for year 11s

Arkwright Engineering Scholarships are a prestigious award which year 11s can apply for and which provides support throughout their 2 years of college study. There is a £300 a year financial award for the students but more importantly it opens doors for them with invitations to STEM events, mentoring with engineering companies and work experience. It is also a tremendous accolade to put on a CV or application form.
Arkwright Scholarships are NOT just for D&T or Engineering students (although they are of course welcome to apply!) The Arkwright Process is aimed at ANY year 11 student with an interest in Engineering and/or an aptitude for Maths and Science. Most of our successful Arkwright applicants have NOT been D&T students but have been great mathematicians and/or scientists. The Arkwright process does only apply to those planning on taking A level Maths as this is essential for studying engineering at university or degree apprenticeship level.
Toot Hill has had considerable success within the Arkwright Scholarships programme, having supported a number of successful applications including Toby Board in our current year 12 and Tom Besson who is returning as a guest speaker for Wednesday's meeting to share his insight with the group. Tom is a Degree Apprentice at Atkins Engineering and is keen to pass on his experience and support with future applications.
The first meeting to launch the programme is on Wednesday 25th October at 1pm (yr 11 Lunch) so they can get some food first and then come along to find out more and to hear Tom speak.
If any year 11s aren't sure if this is for them, they can come along anyway to find out more, or they can email with any questions or read up on
We look forward to supporting another cohort of budding future Engineers through the process.
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