Army Cadet Detachment

The ACF Detachment was launched in early 2014 and quickly became fully operational. It is now under the leadership of Under Officer Hewerdine and Assistant Detachment Commander Sgt Galbraith. The group belong to D Squadron Notts ACF and parade in the Drama Studio on Tuesday evening from 18.30 until 20:30... whatever the weather!

The Cadets follow a syllabus which offers a diverse range of character-building experiences for pupils to develop a wide range of knowledge and skills. Here is a brief list of some of the activities you will get to do:

  • Adventurous Training: e,g,canoeing, climbing and expeditions.
  • Weekend Camp: e.g. overnight training exercises, camouflage & concealment training, survival and patrolling skills.
  • Annual Camp: an amazing week away with your detachment.
  • Shooting: various weapon and competitions.
  • DofE: Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award.
  • Field Craft: the fun part where you get dirty and wet.
  • First Aid: e.g. casualty simulations and exercises.
  • Navigation Training.
  • Drill and Turnout.
  • A wide variety of different sports and competitions to national level.


Who is the cadet group available to?
All pupils aged 12 years of age and above.
When and where is it held?
Parade takes place in the Drama Studio on Tuesdays from 6.30-8.30pm. After the Easter break cadets will enter through the gates near music/student services/drama (not the bus park).
How much does it cost?
Parade night subs are 50p per cadet. You are allowed to attend for the first few weeks without paying the enrollment fee to see if you like it. If you decide it is for you then a £20 enrollment fee applies. All kit is provided free of charge although you will need to buy (and polish) your own boots.
Weekend Camps cost approximately £20 which includes all transport, accommodation, food and training. Annual Camp takes place over 7-9 days in August each year and costs £75 which, as with weekend camps, includes all transport, accomodation, food and training.
How do I get started?
Visit and click: 'Sign Up As A Cadet'. The Cadets will be in touch with further information including when to attend, where to go, who to ask for, what to wear and what to bring etc.

For further information please contact Mr Tinsley.

July 2024


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