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A Level Results 2012

Exceptional pass rates

As competition for University places continues to grow the A level results achieved by students of Toot Hill College this year have continued the tradition of excellent achievement.

With a 99.5% pass rate this year and 83.5% of all entries being graded A*-C, students are well placed to secure their first choice in higher education.

Executive Headteacher, John Tomasevic stated: 

"I am delighted with the continued success of Toot Hill College students. These excellent results reflect the hard work and dedication of students and staff and demonstrate that Toot Hill College is a place where students thrive"

Elite grades

Since the introduction of the A* grade at A Level Toot Hill students have regularly achieved this gold standard.  This year is no exception with 41 A* grades achieved over a whole range of subjects including Art, Biology, Business Studies, Product Design, English Language and Literature, History, Law, Maths, Further Maths, Physics, Psychology, Religious Studies and Sociology.

This represents a further improvement on 2011 results, in line with National trends, but more significantly reflects the high academic rigour that is expected within the College.

Examination Success and University Destinations

Toot Hill students regularly secure places at the very best universities. Amongst the highest achievers in the College this year were:

  • Jack Beard: A*A*A
  • Matthew Carter: A*A*AC
  • Jessica Cooper: A*A*A*B
  • Olivia Evans: A*A*A
  • Emily Georgiades: A*A*A
  • Nathan Hunt: A*A*AB
  • Katie Whiteman: A*A*AA
  • Chris Rider: A*AAAB
  • Paulina Kohut: AAA
  • Alexander Jackson: AAAAB
  • Liam Holdich: AAAB
  • Stephanie Gunn: AAA
  • Ben Cree: AAA
  • Amy Brodie: A*AAB
  • Jacob Blackmore: A*AABB
  • Luke Haxby: Distinction*Distinction*Distinction Distinction (BTEC)
  • Jodie Leigh-Bloom: Distinction Distinction Distinction (BTEC)
  • Dan Uppal: Distinction* Distinction Distinction (BTEC)

Other Destinations

Not all students wish to go on to university and Toot Hill College has helped to support a number of students who wish to pursue alternative pathways.

  • Charlotte Stott: Charlotte has secured a job at Toot Hill as an IT apprentice
  • Beth Smart: Beth is working for a year in an NHS hospital in preparation for pursuing a career in Pharmacy
  • Sophie Kemp: Sophie is going on to do an art foundation course after discovering a love of furniture design during her NTEC course
  • Stephanie Gunn: Steph is high level show jumper who is continuing to compete after her A Level Studies

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