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A Level Results 2011

Exceptional pass rates

In a year when competition for University places has become ever more intense, the A level results achieved by students of the College have matched all previous achievements. With a 99.7% pass rate this year and 80% of all entries being graded A*-C, students are well placed to secure their first choice in higher education.

Elite grades

Last year saw the first award of the new A* grade and many predicted that this would largely become the domain of independent schools. For the second year running Toot Hill students have proved this wrong and 7.9% of all entries were graded A* in 2011. This represents further improvement on 2010 results, in line with National trends, but more significantly reflects the high academic rigour that is expected within the College. It is reported that twice as many universities are looking for A* grades in 2011.

New courses

Students were well aware of the increased demand for university places this year prior to future rises in tuition fees. In order to help Toot Hill students in this competitive market the College introduced a curriculum enrichment programme that enabled students to study additional subjects including the extended project qualification that develops many of the higher order skills respected by top universities. 100% of all students entered for the extended project passed, and 51% of all entries were graded A*-A.

College expansion

The College offers a diverse range of courses and student numbers are increasing year on year. This year 116 students were entered for A level examinations which makes it more of a challenge to sustain and surpass the high levels of achievement from previous years. The hard work of both staff and students have to be commended in securing these results.

Amongst the highest achievers in the College were:

  • Kirsten Legg: 5 A* grades
  • Emily Frapwell: 3 A* grades, 3 A grades
  • Fiona Claxton: 3 A* grades
  • Alison Jones: 1 A* grade, 4 A grades
  • Anna Crawford: 2 A* grades, 2 A grades, 1 B grade
  • Sophie Woodward: 2 A* grades, 2 A grades
  • Corinne O’Sullivan: 1 A* grade, 3 A grades, 1 B grade
  • Georgie Wood: 1 A* grade, 3 A grades
  • Benedict Dyer: 1 A* grade, 2 A grades, 1 B grade, 1 C grade
  • Jack Martin: 1 A* grade, 2 A grades, 1 B grade
  • Jim Patterson: 1 A* grade, 2 A grades, 1 E grade
  • Clare Mercer: 3 A grades
  • Annie Godley: 3 A grades
  • Safia Zerdazi: 1 A* grade, 1 A grade, 2 B grades
  • Victoria Freer: 1 A* grade, 1 A grade, 1 B grade

The growing success and reputation of Toot Hill College has drawn in additional students and the College expects to have over 325 students enrolled by September 2011.

Rob Whiteley - 17th August 2011

September 2024


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