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100% A Level pass rate at Toot Hill College for the fifth year in a row

Students and staff at Toot Hill College are celebrating another year of A Level success having achieved a 30% A*–A grades and 89% A*–C grades. The college is also proud to announce that they have secured a 100% pass rate in A Level and vocational courses for a fifth consecutive year.

Headline figures:

  • 100% pass rate, covering both A Level and vocational courses
  • 30% A*–A (A Level)
  • 89% A*–C (A Level)

Sarah Fox, Head of College, commented:

"I am absolutely delighted with our results this year and very proud of all our students; I'm only disappointed I am not able to mention all of them below.

They have all worked exceptionally hard over the past two years, risen admirably to the challenge of national changes at Key Stage 5, and these excellent results are a testament to their dedication and perseverance. Well done."

Students who study at Toot Hill College regularly secure places at the country’s best universities. Amongst the highest achievers in the college this year were:

  • Sam Wilson, who secured an astonishing three A* grades in Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. Sam will be studying Physics at the University of Birmingham.
  • Becca Culley, who achieved an A* in Business Studies and two As in Mathematics and Economics. Becca will be studying Accounting and Finance at the University of Warwick.
  • Sophie Lloyd, who secured a fantastic three A grades in Mathematics, Business Studies and Law. Sophie hopes to become a lawyer and will be studying Law at the University of Birmingham from September.
  • Ellis Maddison, who achieved an A* in English Combined beyond his expectation. He also secured a grade A in History and a grade B in Media Studies. Ellis will be taking up an offer to study Journalism at the University of Leeds in the hopes of fulfilling his ambition to become a journalist.

Ellis commented:

“I’m absolutely buzzing! I didn’t expect to get an A* in English. I got up this morning and checked my UCAS and it just feels so surreal—I can’t believe it. I broke my arm before the exams and my teachers have been just amazing—I wouldn’t have got through it without them.”

Sandy Paley, Head of School, added:

“Once again the hard work and commitment from students and staff at Toot Hill College has paid off, with almost every student securing their first choice university and apprenticeship places.

I wish them the very best of luck as they embark on the next exiting phase of their lives.”

September 2024


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