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Are you concerned about your child’s mental health?

Anxiety, self-harm and low mood among young people is becoming more and more common in UK schools. Teachers, support staff and parents are having to try and manage these difficulties, often without much training or personal experience.

Our approach at Toot Hill has always been to anticipate change and identify trends among our students. In 2016, we established the Hub (a base in school for students and professionals to work in when there is a SEMH need), and for the past three years Rachel Leeson has worked hard to coordinate the emotional health provision in school through student mentors, CASY counselling, nurse appointments and more recently CBT practitioners. The whole school has also engaged during tutor time in Mindfulness training, and we are in the process of nominating student well-being ambassadors.

With regards to SEN, one of the four areas identified by the 2015 Code of Practice, is SEMH (Social, Emotional and Mental Health). For this reason, if your child is receiving external agency support for their mental health, and it is having an impact on their learning, they may be placed on the SEN support list.

Please click on the link below for the Notts County Council Local Offer regarding Parents FAQ around mental health:

If you have any further concerns, please do not hesitate to contact either myself, your child’s tutor or their Head of Year.

Jo Kitchener


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