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Toot Hill School named first NACE Challenge Ambassador School

The National Association for Able Children in Education (NACE) has named Toot Hill School, Nottingham the first school to be granted NACE Challenger Ambassador School status, and the fifth school to be accredited for the fourth time with the NACE Challenge Award.

NACE Challenge Ambassador School status recognises the sustained excellence of schools accredited with the Challenge Award on three or more occasions, which have made significant contributions to NACE’s CPD, research and resource-sharing initiatives. As more schools gain Challenge Ambassador School status, Toot Hill School will become part of a network of similarly minded school leaders across the UK and beyond, facilitating the exchange of effective practice, and supporting continued school improvement.

NACE CEO Rob Lightfoot said: “Toot Hill School has worked consistently hard to maintain the NACE Challenge Award for 11 years. It has continued to display a thorough commitment to developing a culture in which all learners are challenged and supported to reach their full potential.”

The NACE assessor reported: “At Toot Hill, there is an embedded whole-school commitment to 'teaching to the top' and, therefore, high expectations of all learners in terms of the depth of learning they will achieve and the way they articulate their thinking. Toot Hill's curriculum, delivered by skilled and knowledgeable staff, has been carefully crafted to ensure that it is evidence based, highly ambitious, inspiring, and meets the needs of all – including the most able –providing a rich breadth and depth of knowledge, skills and cultural capital, whilst developing articulate, confident, determined, resilient and independent individuals. Toot Hill continues to lead the way in championing and meeting the needs of more able learners and ensuring challenge for all.”

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