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Female football opportunities are growing across Nottinghamshire

Since England's success at the 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup this captured the attention and hearts of the nation. The aim in Nottinghamshire is to engage and inspire the next generation of female players and create a lasting legacy.

Sophie Towle and Ella McManus have certainly proven their ability and now have a fantastic opportunity play for Notts County FC in the u16's team.

If you are wanting to get involved in football and create a legacy similar to Sophie & Ella why not look at Nottingham league football which is offered for Girls from U8's upwards. There are over 75 youth female teams affiliated across the county with around 140 teams in the league. Whether you’re a beginner and want to try football for the first time, want to push yourself at a higher level or maybe you’ve been away from the game for a period of time and wish to get back into it, there are opportunities for you. There is also a number of participation sessions to allow girls to try football in a safe environment potentially for the first time. .


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