Welcome to Toot Hill School

Year 6 Transition Portal 2024

Welcome to our Transition 2024 portal.

Here you'll find lots of important information to ease the transition to Toot Hill School over the coming months.

There are also some very important forms to complete. If you are unable to complete these forms in one sitting, then click the 'Save Forms' button at any time. This will save all the information you have already entered and send you a unique code via e-mail to be able to access it at a later date.

Your forms will be saved for 7 days from the time that you save them.

Once your forms are submitted, you will be sent a unique T number code via e-mail to be able to access the second Transition Portal later in the year. It is very important that you keep this number safe.

“Education is not the filling of the pail, but the lighting of a fire.”

WB Yeats

Our Vision

On an unyielding foundation of respect, honesty and compassion our vision is to forge strong, positive connections with our students so we build a genuine partnership that promotes confidence and self-belief as they develop into well-informed, thoughtful young people, who take pride in themselves, our school and our community.

We challenge all students to acquire and value the ambitious knowledge and skills that will support them to be life-long learners as well as critical and active participants in the world around them.

Our Mission

High expectations of students and staff promote hard work, commitment and camaraderie with the belief that everyone in our school matters, and that everyone can improve and grow.

Through inspirational teaching of an ambitious curriculum, a genuine concern for wellbeing and personal development, and a rich abundance of learning opportunities within and outside school, we nurture high aspirations in our students for themselves, our school and our community whilst developing their character and enabling them to achieve their best.

Our Values

Curriculum Intent

A huge welcome to all Year 6 students who are joining our school community in September 2024.

I am delighted that we will be visiting you in your Primary schools this term. We will be working closely with your Primary Head Teacher to ensure you meet your new Head of Year at Toot Hill School, We also look forward to inviting you into school for induction days this term as well as ensuring you have all transition resources ready to make a fantastic start to your time at Toot Hill School.

I am so excited to meet you wearing your green blazer, that means so much to me and our school and represents our ‘Work Hard, Be Kind, Take Pride’ ethos, in which I know you will thrive.

I very much look forward to getting to know you all and supporting you to develop your personality, build your character and achieve more than you ever thought possible.

Dr C Eardley 
Head Teacher


Welcome to all Year 6 students and their families.

Embarking on your secondary school journey is both an exciting and nerve-wracking time and I’m incredibly privileged that you are choosing to do this at Toot Hill School. This next stage of your education will bring with it lots of fun experiences, new friends, plenty of learning and most importantly, the opportunity to develop yourself in ways you never knew were possible. As your Head of Year, I am looking forward to working and supporting you throughout your journey and I am sure we will create many fabulous memories along the way.

Stay safe, keep working hard, and make sure to look after those around you too.

I look forward to meeting you and your family very soon.

Take care,

Mrs Laura Munro
Head of Year 7

Our website is full of useful information for parents and pupils. Here are a few links to some of the most important for new Year 7s.

Transition visits to Toot Hill School will take place on Monday 1st July and Tuesday 2nd July. Your child will be invited to one of these days to take part in a range of different activities, meet teachers and try a range of lessons all aimed at helping students to get to know the school. Please refer to the attached sheet to see which of these two dates applies.

Transition Visits July 2024

If you wish for your child to use a school bus on the transition day, please select the appropriate bus/day below. A temporary bus pass will be arranged to permit travel on that bus service for the transition day. Without this there will be no arrangement made for your child to use one of the school buses on this day.  You can, of course, drop them off and pick up yourself, should you wish to do so; in that case, please select the 'No bus transport required' option below.  Students will need to bring their own packed lunch on this day. 

Bus Route NumberVillages the bus goes toMonday 1st JulyTuesday 2nd July
SpecialGunthorpe, East Bridgford, Newton & Bingham Primary School (Roman Quarters) – THIS SERVICE WILL ONLY OPERATE ON MONDAY, 1 JULY 2024
651Hawton, Cotham, Staunton, Kilvington, Alverton, Flawborough, Orston, Thoroton amp; Scarrington
652Elston, Syerston, Coney Grey Spinney, Flintham, Screveton, Car Colston & Fosse Road (A46)
654Langar, Cropwell Butler, Cropwell Bishop & Stragglethorpe
655Shelton X Roads, Shelton, Sibthorpe, Hawksworth, Aslockton, Whatton & Detention Centre
656Vale of Belvoir Inn (A52), Elton, Sutton, Granby, Barnstone, Langar & Wiverton Hall
657Kinoulton, Owthorpe, Colston Bassett., Cropwell Bishop, Tithby Village, Cropwell Butler and Saxondale
T655Farndon, Sibthorpe, Shelton, Hawksworth, Aslockton, Whatton & Detention Centre
T1Balderton, Fernwood, Coddington, Newark, Farndon & East Stoke
T3Stanton, Keyworth, Tollerton & Cotgrave
No bus transport required for either day

As you prepare for your child to join Year 7 at Toot Hill School, we would like to draw your attention to our current uniform purchasing process.

Certain Toot Hill School uniform items are only available to order directly from our suppliers, “Academy School Uniforms”. They offer an extensive and well-established on-line purchasing facility with options to have garments delivered direct to home.

Please visit https://just-schoolwear.co.uk/product-category/toothill-school/

This year, Just Schoolwear are offering two ‘Blazer and PE kit Fitting Events’ for pupils who will be joining us in September 2024. For your convenience these will take place here at Toot Hill School, on the same night as the Parents’ Evenings, between 4 pm and 5.30 pm., on Monday, 24th and Tuesday, 25th June 2024. This service includes:

  • Qualified Academy School Uniform members of staff
  • Sizing sets of uniform, for students to try on
  • Sizing data forms, confirming correct size of uniform to then be ordered on line (as detailed in the promotional information leaflet)

There is also a very comprehensive measuring guide on the above website to assist you in the purchase of uniform for your child should you require this.

We would advise that you order all the uniform required as soon as possible, in order to ensure you have receipt of the items prior your child’s due commencement date here at Toot Hill.

For more information about uniform requirements, please see the Uniform and Equipment page on our website or the recent letter sent to parents.

Please see the leaflet below for information about bus passes. More information and timetables can be found on the Buses page on our website.

Toot Hill uses the Tucasi Online Payment system. The system will allow you to view balances and pay for the following items online without the need to send cash or cheques into school:

  • School meals
  • Trips and events
  • Before and after school clubs

Once your child is attending you will be sent an account access letter. You can use the same online account to link any children you have at this school and to link children at other schools using the Tucasi secure scopay.com system. If you have multiple children at this school you will create your online account for the first child and then link the second child using the instructions in the 'I already have a scopay.com account' section.

We hope you find this method of payment easy and convenient. Please contact the school if you require any further assistance.

At Toot Hill School, we endeavour to provide our students with the highest quality, knowledge-led curriculum across all subjects, including in our Relationship, Sex Health and Economic (RSHE) Curriculum. Relationships and sex education and health education (RSE) became statutory in all secondary schools in England in September 2020. The curriculum outlined by the Department for Education is designed to equip your child with the knowledge to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships as well as preparing them for a successful adult life.

Relationships and Sex Education will build on the teaching at primary. It aims to give young people the information they need to help them develop healthy, nurturing relationships of all kinds.

Our RSHE curriculum will look at what healthy and unhealthy relationships look like and what makes a good friend, colleague and successful marriage or committed relationship. At the appropriate time, the focus will move to developing intimate relationships, to equip your child with knowledge they need to make safe, informed and healthy choices as they progress through adult life.

At Toot Hill School, RSE will be taught as part of the RSHE programme of study in tutor time and via dedicated lesson once a week from Year 7 to 13. There may also be assemblies and guest speaker throughout the year to allow for external providers to share their expertise.

We deliver a ‘spiral’ curriculum that enables pupils to build on their prior learning by re-visiting some themes to further develop knowledge, values and skills in an age-and stage-appropriate manner. As such, some themes are repeated, to enable a deeper exploration of the related issues. An overview of the RSHE curriculum for each year group can be found on the school website here; https://www.toothillschool.co.uk/page.php?d=pshe&p=sow

Relationship, Sex Education

By the end of Year 11, your child will have been taught content on:

  • Families
  • Respectful relationships, including friendships
  • Online media
  • Being safe
  • Intimate and sexual relationships, including sexual health.

Health Education

Health education aims to give your child the information they need to make good decisions about their own health and wellbeing, to recognise issues in themselves and others, and to seek support as early as possible when issues arise.

By the end of Year 11, your child will have been taught content on:

  • Mental wellbeing
  • Internet safety and harms
  • Physical health and fitness
  • Healthy eating
  • Facts and risks associated with drugs, alcohol and tobacco
  • Health and prevention
  • Basic first aid
  • Changing adolescent body.

Our school prides itself on delivering effective, age-appropriate RSHE within an inclusive and supportive learning environment; using non-biased, PSHE association approved resources. We are flexible and deliver content which is completely age appropriate and sensitive to the needs and backgrounds of all pupils. RSHE is facilitated by experienced and skilled professional teachers, who are committed to preparing your child to live and learn safely in the modern world, negotiating the transition into increasing independence with the development of knowledge, values and skills to make positive, healthy and safe choices.

We would encourage you to discuss your child’s RSHE with them at home regularly in their time at Toot Hill. This will provide opportunities for you to share your family values in relation to the topics, and building strong channels of communication about relationships and RSE related matters with your child. As a school, we wish to encourage a positive engagement process that includes the views of pupils, parents, guardians, staff and governors in relation to RSHE. If you would like to know more information about our programme of RSHE, please familiarise yourself with the RSHE policy or have a look at the RSHE page on our website or, feel free to contact the school if you would like to discuss our programme of RSHE on an individual basis or would like any further information.

Jen Gray
School Leader and Head of RSHE

In addition to the regular timetabled music lessons that are part of our curriculum, individual lessons are available a wide variety of instruments.  These are:

Violin, viola, cello, piano, flute, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, bass guitar, drum kit, trumpet, cornet, trombone, French horn, saxophone, clarinet, voice.

You only need to complete this if you wish for your child to receive additional individual instrumental tuition.

For these lessons, pupils are withdrawn from their normal timetable to receive their instrumental lesson, which is usually a 20-minute lesson.  This is done on a rotating basis in order that they do not miss the same subject each week. It is the student’s responsibility to catch up on any work missed.

If you are interested in your child receiving instrumental lessons, please return the contract to the school, marked for the attention of Mr Kieran Seymour, no later than 5th July.  Please note that if contracts are received after this date students may need to wait until January for a place on the timetable. During the summer period, payment for your child’s first term of lessons will be uploaded to Scopay. You will be notified by email that this payment is available. This will need paying in order to secure lessons starting in September.

If you have any queries, please email the Finance Department at finance@toothillschool.co.uk (finance queries) or Miss Ward at jward@toothillschool.co.uk (music / staff related queries).

Yours sincerely

Mr K. Seymour
Head of Music

Download the Music Contract for 2024-2025

The guidelines from the government to schools on holidays during term time were tightened in 2013 in the interests of high pupil attendance and improved achievement.  The school must always aim to work within such stated guidelines and this may require us to refuse permission for parents/carers to absent their child from school for the purpose of a holiday.

DfE guidance can be summarised as follows:

Holidays in term time interrupt continuity of teaching and learning, disrupt the educational progress of individual children and create disruption in schools.  In a recent survey, the DfE estimated that one in six truants is away with their parents on a family holiday.

The DfE have stipulated that Head Teachers are prohibited from approving term time holiday except where an application has been made in advance and where the Head Teacher considers that there are exceptional circumstances relating to the application. Holiday prices and the fact that parents have booked a holiday before checking with the school are not exceptional reasons.

Ten days absence for a family holiday can result in pupils with poor attendance becoming persistent absentees.

Further information is available on the DfE website.  A copy of the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) regulations 2013 is accessible via www.legislation.gov.uk.

According to Nottinghamshire County Council policy, you may be fined for taking your child on holiday during term time without the school’s permission. The DfE strongly advise schools NOT to authorise holidays for the following reasons:

  • Availability of cheap holidays;
  • Availability of the desired accommodation;
  • Poor weather experience in school holiday periods; and
  • Overlap with beginning or end of term.

Applications for permission to absent a child from school for the purpose of a holiday can only be made by the parent/carer that that child normally resides with.

Critically for the school, an extended period of absence can disrupt learning progression.  Often prolonged absence puts additional pressures on the teaching staff to make special arrangements for catch-up work.  The impact of students missing lessons now in Years 9, 10 and 11 is that much greater. 

Enrichment Week (at the end of the Summer Term) forms an important part of the wider sphere of education for our children in Years 7, 8 and 9.  A family holiday is not a suitable substitute for the team-building and social skills taught during this week and holiday leave will not be authorised for this week.

We trust parents and carers will understand our position and will give support to our stance on this matter.

Please may we ask for your co-operation in an important matter.

Pupils and staff at our school receiving medical treatment for serious illness can be put at risk of becoming very unwell if they are exposed to measles, chicken pox or shingles.

Exposure to the above diseases will require treatment to be given as soon as possible.

As a result of this, if your child is suspected of having chicken pox, measles or shingles could you please inform us immediately.

Your child is not at any risk whatsoever from this situation, however, the health and wellbeing of our pupils at risk, does depend on the co-operation of all other parents and carers.  We are grateful for your full support at this time.

Yours sincerely

Dr C Eardley
Head Teacher

Our family of schools is committed to providing a great educational experience for all children in our community. We want this to commence at the point of entry into their school life and continue right the way through Toot Hill School and College.

Our aim is very simple: to enable all pupils to gain the opportunity, support and guidance to grow and develop into confident and aspirational young people, who stand up for what they believe and make positive contributions to society in the future. By working closely together we believe we can enhance the quality of our provision and are committed to doing this by: 

  • Developing greater:
    • Aspiration and Achievement
    • Expectation and Engagement
    • Care and Guidance
  • Having high expectations of our students both academically and in terms of their commitment to their personal development.
  • Creating opportunities for our staff, within and across our schools, to share ideas, knowledge and skills and so enhance understanding of our provision and standards from Reception to Year 13.
  • Head Teachers and School Leaders meeting regularly to review progress towards our ‘Great’ objectives
  • Providing specific themed meeting opportunities for staff.
  • Strategically supporting our students throughout key transition periods.
  • Providing extensive joint enrichment opportunities for our pupils.
  • Actively helping our students to reflect and recognise their full potential and self-belief.

Work Hard, Be Kind

These forms are used to collect information regarding your child and their transition to Toot Hill School and will only be used for this purpose. We need the information collected here to enable us to manage this process effectively. The information is for internal use only and will be stored on our internal servers. This information will be kept in line with our data retention policy.

We will only use your contact details to share information with you that is relevant to this process.

If you have any concerns please contact us before you proceed.

Student's Details

Only if different from legal name given above.

Only if different from legal name given above.

Student's Home Information
Parental Information (First contact)

The first contact detailed above will be used for communication regarding student information (reports, letters etc.) and school information (newsletters, school closures etc.).

Please indicate below whether the first contact would like to receive the communications described below:

Parental Information (Second contact)

Please make sure that the second contact detailed below has given you consent to share their information.

Please indicate below whether the second contact would like to receive the communications described below:

Additional Emergency Contacts

Please provide details of up to four additional contacts for use in emergency situations where the first two contacts are unavailable. Please make sure the person(s) detailed below have given you consent to share their information.

Emergency Contact 1
Emergency Contact 2
Emergency Contact 3
Emergency Contact 4
Student's Family Links
Student's Educational History
Student's Ethnic/Cultural Information

This information is not mandatory. If you would prefer not to share any of the information requested below, then please tick the REFUSED box(es).

Please enter 'None' if no other languages are spoken at home.

Student's Travel Arrangements
Student's Lunch Arrangements

Doctor's Details
Student's Medical Information

Please note: Although we have the facility to store general medication (e.g. paracetamol, ibuprofen etc.), we are unable to administer any medication to students.

We do recommend that with any medication taken on a regular basis, a spare supply is given to the school for use in case of emergencies (e.g. inhaler, EpiPen, migraine treatment etc.) Your child will be responsible for administering this medicine themselves.

Student's Dietary Requirements