Year 7 have had a fantastic and positive first week back. We started off the week with an assembly from Dr Eardley to reiterate the expectations around uniform, behaviour and equipment. Students listened carefully to the assembly and have not let us down and have ensured they have the right equipment and uniform each morning in tutor time. If you do need to buy any uniform, please see link below
During the Personal Development Curriculum this week, on Well-being Wednesday students discussed how to recognise the early signs of mental well-being concerns and on Topical Thursday students were introduced to Online Safety / Cybercrime. Students had an opportunity to reflect on questions, such as what constitutes as cybercrime, what laws are there to protect us against cybercrime and how can we ensure that we do not commit cybercrime? We were really impressed with how mature and engaged students were during these discussions with each other and their tutors.
Visiting lessons this week we were very impressed with how well students are engaged in purple pen improvements and during FIT (focussed independent learning time). We have also shared some photos of students work on our Year 7 Twitter Account (@TootHill2026). Well done Year 7!
There are lots of exciting things for students to get involved in this term such as LGBTQ+ Treasure Hunt and Inspirational Guest speaker Captain Preet Chandi. If students would like to attend the session to hear about Captain Preet's Solo trek across the South Pole and her experiences in the Army and more then please let tutors/Fiona Farmer know by Friday 4 March. If students would like to engage in the flag treasure hunt for LGBTQ+ History Month then please ensure sheets are handed into Student Services or Mrs Monroe by Tuesday 1 March. The Learning Lounge are doing some exciting things for World Book Day where they have organised 'What's That Book? Book hunt - look out for teachers too around the school who will be dressed up as different characters. Finally, Extended Study resumes next week and we would love to year 7s attend as many of these as they can. Timetable can be found on school website or link below.
In RSHE lessons next week, Year 7 students will develop their understanding of online risks.
Support link:
Visit the NSPCC for support with talking about difficult topics:
Head of Year 7: Mr D Mordue Assistant Head of Year 7: Miss L Jordan
Well done Year 8 for a positive first week back. It has been great to welcome students back to school this week. Year 8 students have settled in well into the new half term. During tutor set we have been supporting students with their uniform and equipment each morning and it has been pleasing to see students prepared for the school day and ready to learn. Uniform standards have been high, thank you to parents/carers for your continued support with this.
Our Personal Develop Curriculum has included many new topics this week. Our Wellbeing Wednesday theme this half term is ‘Take Notice’. On Wednesday mornings we will cover what is meant by ‘sympathy’ and ‘empathy’, the signs of mental health illnesses and we will also learn about when is the right time to ask for support with our mental health. Our Topical Thursday focus this half term is ‘How do I stay safe online?’. This is an important topic for young people, and we will be sharing with students how to stay safe when using social media which includes ensuring their privacy settings are up to date. We will also cover how to stay safe when gaming online and what is meant by fraud.
When visiting lessons this week, we have been impressed with the positive start students have made this half term. As a year group we have achieved an amazing 3864 positive points this week for engagement in lessons and fantastic home learning. In History, students have started a new topic where they are learning about World War One. Students have started this topic, by creating a timeline of key events which they will explore in more detail this half term. In Maths, students have shown focus and resilience when understanding how to work out the ‘ Nth Term’. In Philosophy and Ethics, students have been introduced to a new topic where they have considered why people might have different opinions on what is right and wrong. Students spent the first part of the lesson understanding key terms which will be used throughout this topic.
Extended Study starts again next week. It has been great seeing so many Year 8 students attending Extended Study session this academic year and we hope to see this continue this half term.
Well done Year 8, a fantastic first week back. Keep up the excellent work!
In RSHE lessons next week, Year 8 students will develop their understanding of consent.
Support Link:
Visit the NSPCC for support with talking about difficult topics:
Head of Year 8: Miss I Sheldon
What a fantastic first week back after half term; we have been so impressed with how settled Year 9 have been on their return. I have particularly enjoyed seeing 9s2 show increasing confidence in calculating percentages and observing students getting to grips with sewing machines in Fashion and Textiles. Also, Mr Petchell certainly makes students work hard during a spinning session!
We were also so excited to see how well Year 9 engaged with their Options taster sessions this week. With almost 50 students showing interest in Astronomy and 60 students attending the Sociology session, it is clear to see that students are thinking very clearly about their next steps. A massive thank you to all staff who were involved in running these and allowing our students to experience those subjects not yet encountered at Toot Hill.
Our first Year 9 parents evening this week was extremely well attended and we hope that both parents and students had both positive and productive conversations. We look forward to our second evening next week - please do not hesitate to get in touch with your child's tutor if you have any questions or have struggled to make appointments.
Support Link:
Visit the NSPCC for support with talking about difficult topics:
Head of Year 9: Mrs L Munro Assistant Head of Year 9: Miss C Thomas
This week upon welcoming back Year 10, we celebrated the success from last half term. Students were recognised for excellent attendance, most Star of the Lessons received, attendance at Extended Study and nominated, and staff nominations for students that have demonstrated a Be Kind attitude across the school. It was a pleasure to share these successes with our students, who truly amazing.
This week our Year 10 boys have represented the school against Carlton le Willows, and our Scholars starting the programme with Nottingham University this week to engage with degree level research.
Next week, Extended Study starts up again. Nearly 60% of the year group attended Extended Study last half term to engage with subjects to further their achievement or widen their experiences.
Head of Year 10: Mr R Wickens Achievement Coordinator: Mrs C Hallam
This week Year 11s have started back to school with a real focus and determination to succeed in their next round of assessments. Students embarked on their first week of MOCK exams this Monday. As another milestone in the journey starts, we can reflect on their hard work, revision and motivation and their positive and purposeful preparation.
As a reminder, the MOCK exams will continue next week so please continue to seek advice and support from class teachers, and the wider team. Miss Marshall and Miss Gordon are always available in the morning or on email if you have any questions. Good luck, Year 11!
Year 11 Pastoral Lead: Miss B Marshall Year 11 Achievement Leader: Miss P Gordon
Career pathway resources available for parents
The Careers Enterprise Company have developed some resources for parents enabling you to support your child with their future career pathways. This is suitable for parents of young people in all year groups and recommends the types of conversations you can have with your child.
Please find below the link to the website:
I am delighted to see that pupils are uploading details of their skill, physical and volunteering activities to eDofE - the sooner you can encourage your child to do this the better and the more likely it is that they will graduate in good time.
Here is a short checklist parents should use to support their child this week:
Upload skill, physical and volunteering activities to eDofE - ideas for activities click
Check all activities have been submitted on eDofE
Identify suitable assessors - more guidance click
Encourage your child to start their activities
Log all activities using a DofE Log Sheet
Resources can also be downloaded from
The deadline for making your 2nd Payment Instalment on ScoPay is Friday 11 March 2022.
DofE Stars of the Week
This Weeks Stars are Sally A, Evie B, Ben F, Phoebe H, Harry J, Sophie L, Felicity M, Ryan M, Jamie M, Caleb P, Nicole R, Flora W and Callum W. These students are all 100% up to date and have uploaded all of their activities to eDofE - well done!
Photo Competition Winners
This week's theme is cooking and baking. The winners are Alfie Elliot for his excellent attempt at a traditional full English and Lola Church for her tasty looking, and expertly decorated cake - well done - your chocolaty prizes are on their way. All pupils are encouraged to keep submitting their evidence on eDofE. Look out for next week's photo competition winners.
Train to teach with the Nottinghamshire Torch SCITT