NewsletterAutumn Bulletin

~ November 2024 ~

With only three weeks remaining until the end of term, we are incredibly proud of our students and school community. The positive and purposeful climate for learning in the school reflects the hard work and consistent commitment from our staff and students to work together with a strong sense of purpose, kindness and pride. Our Year 11 students showed great tenacity,  responsibility and maturity throughout their recent mock examinations and we have no doubt that Years 12 and 13 will demonstrate the same impressive attitude in their assessments in the coming weeks. 

We wish our Year 11 students and staff taking part in the History trip to Berlin a fantastic experience during the final week of this term. We look forward to hearing all about it on their return!

We look forward to a busy, purposeful and happy end to the Autumn term. The information in this issue is designed to help you support your child to ensure an organised, well informed end to a successful term and to feel prepared for their return after a restful Christmas break.


Many thanks for your continued support - it is very much appreciated. 


  • The school term will end for the Christmas break at the usual time of 2.10pm on Friday the 13th of December. This is a usual school day and students are expected to be dressed in correct uniform . School transport will run in the usual way.
  • Christmas lunch will take place on Wednesday 11th of December.
  • Christmas Jumper day in aid of Save the Children will take place on Thursday the 12th of December. See detail below. 
  • We look forward to welcoming our students back to school on Tuesday the 7th of January 2025, at the usual time.  This follows a staff INSET day on Monday the 6th of January 2025, when students are not expected in school.  Children should return in the usual way, in full uniform and with all equipment to ensure a swift and smooth return to learning. 
  • Reading Week  - Our whole school Reading Week commences on Monday the 25th of November. This is a fantastic opportunity for our entire school community to enjoy hearing and reading some great stories; to read independently from texts of their own choice and to appreciate the benefits of reading to learning and well being. The Scholastic Book Fair will also be with us and students can browse and buy a wide array of books and stationery items in the Learning Lounge.  Please support our Reading Week by ensuring your child has a suitable reading book, either from home or form the Learning Lounge, with them during the week -  any issues with this, please do get in touch with your child's tutor. Many thanks for your support. 
  • The Toot Hill Book Award 2024-25 - We need your child's book nominations for our first ever Toot Hill Book Award ! Students can nominate up to five of their favourite books for the Long List. The Short List will be announced in March, with the overall winner revealed in June 2025. All students will find the link to  the nomination form on their Class Charts, appearing as English Hone Learning. Please do encourage your child to get involved! 
  • The Toot Hill Christmas Concert - the event that marks the beginning of the festivities! Our talented musicians will be performing on the evening of Wednesday the 4th of December in our Concert Hall at 6.30pm. Please do come and join us to celebrate a successful term and and to enjoy the superb talents and hard work of our student musicians and Music department staff. Please click here to purchase your tickets for the evening
  • School Christmas Lunch - our dining hall will be filled with the wonderful scent of the very best festive food on Wednesday the 11th of December. Our catering team will be serving Christmas Lunch at the usual cost of £2.70, payable in the usual way via your child's school account 
  • Christmas Jumper Day - as part of our commitment to supporting charitable causes, we will once again be taking part in the annual Christmas Jumper Day in aid of Save the Children. Students can take part by wearing a Christmas themed jumper along with their usual school uniform. We ask that those taking part make a minimum donation of 50p  via their Scopay account, in order to support this very worthy national appeal. Please note that this is not a non uniform day. 



Reading Week, Book Fair and The Toot Hill Book Award 2024-25 - please see information above on how you can support our whole school Literacy events.

Year 13 Mock Examinations - these will take place for two weeks, beginning on Monday the 25th of December. Students have received their individual timetables. We wish our students all the very best!

Equipment reminder - students are expected to bring all the necessary equipment for learning with them every day. This includes a pencil case, writing pen, pencil, eraser, ruler, a purple pen and a whiteboard pen. If you require any support with this, please do not hesitate to contact your child's tutor. Many thanks for your support. 

Enrichment - please find the most up to date Enrichment information by following the link below. The new timetables will be available soon  after the Christmas break.


Home Learning - please use the link below to find the most up to date information about your child's Home Learning schedule.  We thank you for your ongoing support in ensuring your child is completing their Home Learning and making the most of the opportunity this provides to deepen their knowledge and understanding. The information for the new term will be uploaded after the Christmas break.


The Personal Development Curriculum - the theme for the next half term will be 'Keep Learning'. The students will be exploring the following within their tutor groups:

Year 7 - The World Around Me: Careers and Destinations

Year 8 - The World Around Me: Careers and Destinations

Year 9- The World Around Me: Careers and Destinations

Year 10 - The World Around Me: The Value of Life



  • Year 13 Toot Hill College UCAS application deadline - 13th January 2025
  • 'Phantom of the Opera' theatre trip - 15th January 2025
  • Year 10 and 11 National Justice Museum visit  - 16th January 2025
  • Year 13 Parent and Carer Evening - 16th January 2025
  • Year 11 Parent and Carer Afternoon/Evening - 21st January 2025