Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education covers the recommended elements for PSHE and elements
of Citizenship that are not covered elsewhere in the curriculum.
There will not be timetabled lessons of PSHCE. Instead the programme is delivered through three themed days per year group per year—in Years 9, 10 and 11.
The themes covered are:
Health and well-being: You will have workshops on healthy eating, first aid, body image, drugs and alcohol and sexual health.
Financial capability: You will have workshops on money management, bank accounts, etc.
Citizenship: You will have a day on enterprise, creating a small business and raising money. On Politics Day you will create a political party along with policies, vote collecting, hustings and a mock election.
Careers: There is an intensive programme for careers helping you to make the important decisions for post-16 options. There is a mock interview day along with CV and personal statement writing and detailed advice on career pathways.
Along with tutors and PSHCE teachers, a number of outside providers are used, charities and theatre groups to make the presentation of PSHCE and careers as exciting and current as possible. The school responds where appropriate to topical issues or concerns we have in school.